About Conference
The aim of the International Conference is to contribute to the protection of the Black Sea by supporting the sustainable development
in a multi-disciplinary way. The conference will provide a space for fruitful discussions, including aspects related to both
fundamental research as well as technological innovations, between scientists as well as companies involved in research and
• session lectures (20 min)
• lectures (10 min)
• posters A0
1, University Alley, B Campus,
Senate Hall, floor 1
900437, Constanta, Romania
23-25th October, 2024
Here are some of our speakers (under construction)
Violin RAYKOVDesignation: Research Scientist. |
Position: Associate Professor |
Afşin Yusuf ÇETINKAYADesignation: Professor |
Position: Prof. Dr. |
Gilles LericolaisDesignation: PhD |
Position: CEO Adviser Ifremer/ Senior Scientific Officer for the French Prime Minister General Secretariat for the Sea |
Joana BEJADesignation: Senior scientific data officer |
Position: Senior Scientific Data Officer |
Violeta SLABAKOVADesignation: Researcher |
Position: Researcher |
Igor SÎRODOEVDesignation: Professor |
Position: Professor |
Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
- Final Programme and Book of Abstracts
Poster Presentations
The participants will have the opportunity to communicate their research results through posters presentations: Padlet Link
Scientific Commitee
Organising Committee
- Templates for Posters and Presentations
Registration Form
Don’t forget to register for the conference before submitting your abstract by filling in Registration form.
Deadline for registration: September 16th , 2024 -
Abstract Submission
• 1.Submission of abstract can be made ONLY through the online submission by filing in the fields below and attaching Microsoft Word abstract file.
• 2.This form can be used for both: Oral and poster presentations.
• 3.Only a corresponding author should submit an abstract.
• 4.One author registered for the conference may submit up to two abstracts.
Please use the following guidelines (abstracts which do not follow guidelines will be returned to the author for correction).
TITLE (no more than 20 words): Uppercase, Times New Roman, Font size 12, Bold, Center text
AUTHORS NAME: Uppercase, Times New Roman, Font size 11, Center text. Presenting author underlined.
AFFILIATION (Make sure that the presenting author’s e-mail address is in the affiliation): Times New Roman, Font size 11, Italic
1Affiliation name and address 1
E-mail address of the presenting author (e.g. ionescu@xx.xx)
2Affiliation name and address 2
ABSTRACT TEXT(Not exceeding 300 words): Times New Roman, Font size 11, Justify, finally listing at least five keywords, excluding words from the title.
Deadline for abstracts: 14th of September , 2024
Notification of acceptance: 23rd September , 2024
Download the abstract template here: -
NEWExtended deadlines for registration and abstract submission
• 27th of September 2024: Deadline for abstract submission
• 27th of September 2024: Deadline for Registration
• 30th of September 2024: Notification on abstract submission acceptance
MARBLUE 2024 FULL PAPERS Publication Options
Presented papers will be published in Journals indexed in BDI:
• Free registration.
• Free participation.
• External participants, from Romania or abroad, will cover their travel expenses.
• Participation in the Conference is not conditioned by presenting a paper.
Session I: Observing the Black Sea, Moderator - GeoEcoMar
A crucial element of the Black Sea restoration and rehabilitation initiatives is the implementation of a continuous monitoring and operational
observing system in the Black Sea. Regular observations in the Black Sea basin started in the past century and quite a good multidisciplinary
observing system operated in the 1970–1980s, mainly based on ship observations. Since then, many projects and initiatives have dealt with
technological opportunities for improving both satellite and in situ infrastructures, able to support the R&D activities such as the modeling
and assimilation capabilities, validation and verification of modeling and satellite products, real time monitoring, estimation of quality of
physical variables, etc.
This session aims to increase the awareness of the importance of observation capacities in the Black Sea and
highlight the progress made so far.
Session II: Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems, Moderator - NIMRD
Marine ecosystems are subject to a variety of threats including disease, pollution, climate change, habitat alteration, overexploitation,
and invasive species. Various conservation approaches are used to protect these ecosystems and involve monitoring, management, and
international cooperation. Understanding the fundamental components as well as the interactions between aquatic organisms and their
environment can help to better understand and conserve marine ecosystems.
The session ”Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Marine
Ecosystems” aims to bring together leading academic scientists and researchers to exchange and share their research results, latest findings,
achievements and views on marine biodiversity, ecology and conservation.
Session III: Sustainable Use of Marine Resources, Moderator - NIMRD
Although the Black Sea is a unique basin that is rich in biodiversity, heritage and natural resources, it is increasingly under pressure
due mainly to the impacts from human-induced factors, such as eutrophication and hypoxia, overfishing, and introduction of alien species,
in addition to the effects of climate change. For these reasons, the sustainable use of the Black Sea resources is of utmost importance
and research in these areas is essential.
This section covers topics focusing on living resources (fisheries, aquaculture, biotechnologies
etc.) and non-living potential (mineral resources, energy, cultural heritage, tourism etc.), aiming at fostering the “blue transformation“
of the Black Sea.
Session IV: Oceanography, Marine Geology and GeoEcology, Moderator - GeoEcoMar
The Black Sea is the largest anoxic basin in the world, with a complex geology established in the last 250 million years since the
Triassic. The marine basin was intermittently connected with the world ocean via the Mediterranean, imprinting on lithological/sedimentological
and geochemical features, leading to significant changes of the faunas and floras composition, especially during the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum)
and Holocene times. This Black Sea is also very important for its potential source rocks of hydrocarbons, and for other unconventional resources,
i.e., gas hydrates.
This section comprises topics regarding the aforementioned features, including geology, tectonics, geochemistry, connectivity and isolation,
along with aspects related to nowadays presence of various pollutants in the basin.
Session V: Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Coastal Management, Moderator - UOC
The development of coastal areas and maritime space is a priority in the European Union together with its Green Deal and sustainable blue
economy aims. In the global context of resource depletion, climate change and biodiversity loss, the sustainable use of marine resources
is a key issue in the framework of important regulations to be adopted through maritime spatial planning and coastal management processes.
This session aims to emphasize sustainable blue economy policies and actions as a society response to current challenges in the Black Sea
basin while building a collaborative long-term and integrated strategy of maritime space and coastal areas development, based on the transfer
of knowledge and innovation.
This session aims to raise the awareness on the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the Black Sea and its resources and to
build an improved public knowledge base across the world’s population regarding our global ocean.
Session VI: Ocean Literacy and education, Moderator - Mare Nostrum
Ocean Literacy represents the understanding of the ocean’s influence on us and our influence on the ocean, as well as the importance of the
ocean to humankind, communication about the ocean in a meaningful way and responsibility about decisions regarding the ocean and its resources.
Moreover, ocean literacy is not just educating or informing the public and the marine and maritime stakeholders about the importance of oceans -
ocean literacy aims at facilitating the creation of an ocean literate society. Ocean literacy in the Black Sea region is a crucial aspect of
understanding and conserving this unique marine environment.
Key points regarding ocean literacy in the Black Sea are representing by environmental challenges, biodiversity, education, research and collaboration.
This session aims to raise the awareness on the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the Black Sea, enhancing Ocean Literacy concept
to build an improved public knowledge by actively engaging with all the stakeholders.
Harmonizing research methodologies in the Black Sea. Joint H2020 DOORS – BRIDGE-BS session dedicated to the proposal of compatible methodologies
at the basin scales.
In partnership with:
With the support of:
Rates can change. Check daily rates!
Hotel Dacia-Sud
On Black Sea Coast, at the entrance in Mamaia resort, 1.1 km distance from University Campus
Standard Double room 60 Euro /night – 2 adults (breakfast included)
Appart.85 Euro/night – 2 adults (breakfast included)
Dacia Sud Hotel Reception, tel.: 0241. 83 18 12, 0241.83 18 72, 0241.83 18 73
E-mail: rezervari@dacia-sud.ro
Hotel Oxford
202A Al. Lapusneanu Blv., near the roundabout entrance to Mamaia resort from Constanta area, near the Holiday Village, 0,5km distance from University Campus
Standard Double room 55 Euro /night – (breakfast included)
Single room 45 Euro/night (breakfast included)
tel. +40 241 606 510
Mobile: +40 735 333 103
E-mail: rezervari@hoteloxford.ro
Hotel Zodiac
Al. Lapusneanu Blv., very close to Tabacarie Park, 0,8 km distance from University Campus
Standard Double room 55 Euro /night – (breakfast included)
Single room 45 Euro/night (breakfast included)
tel. +40 241 517 051
E-mail: receptie@hotelzodiac.ro
Hotel Parc
on Black Sea Coast, at the entrance in Mamaia resort, 1.1 km distance from University Campus
Standard Double room 60 Euro /night – (breakfast included)
Single room 55 Euro /night (breakfast included)
tel. +40 733 680 631
E-mail: receptie@parcmamaia.ro
Mava Appartments
Aurel Vlaicu Blv., at the entrance in Mamaia resort, 0.8 km distance from University Campus
Studio 110 Euro /night – 2 persons
Appartment 150 Euro/night – 4 persons
Hotel On Plonge Junior
Mamaia Blvd., at the entrance in Mamaia resort, 1.1 km distance from University Campus
Double room 64 Euro/night (breakfast included)
Single room 58 Euro/night (breakfast included)
Participants are requested to use the code MARBLUE
tel. +40 724 368 327
E-mail: reservationsonplongejr@yahoo.com